Now that we’re in 2025 and the festive period is over, parents and guardians around Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire are thinking about where they’d like their little ones to attend primary school. The application deadline for primary schools throughout the Six Towns is Wednesday January 15.
Children in their thousands will be starting primary schools across the region from September 2025. Parents and guardians will find out whether their child has a place at their chosen school by April 16, when they will receive an email or letter from their local council.
Those who were unsuccessful with their applications can appeal the decision. Placements are decided by each school’s admission criteria, which could be decided by a child having a sibling already at the school, the distance of the child’s home from the school, or a child’s religion, for example.
We’ve compiled a list of the ‘Outstanding’ schools in the area rated by Ofsted.
New Ford Academy
Last inspection: July 2023
Address: Brownley Road, Smallthorne, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 1PY
Ofsted inspectors said: “New Ford Academy is a school that staff, pupils and governors are right to be proud of. Pupils achieve exceptionally well in many subjects. This is because leaders have set an ambitious vision and curriculum for all pupils that staff put into action.
“Staff have high expectations for how pupils should behave. Pupils live up to these expectations. They are consistently respectful, polite and considerate towards everyone in school. They demonstrate a maturity towards each other, often helping each other in a sensitive and caring manner. Pupils show that they are fully committed to learning and want to be in school learning. They behave exceptionally well during lessons and at playtimes.”
Read the full report here .
Our Lady and St Benedict Catholic Academy
Last inspection: November 2023
Address: Abbey Lane, Abbey Hulton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST2 8AU
Ofsted inspectors said: “Strong relationships are at the heart of this inspirational school. The school’s values are lived out by leaders, staff and pupils. Pupils appreciate the caring ethos of the school, and they are inspired to achieve. Pupils are known, loved and feel safe. The school goes out of its way to connect with pupils’ families, who are met with understanding and compassion.
“Pupils thrive as a result of the rapid improvements that have been made to their curriculum. The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This ambition is realised effectively. All pupils are supported to achieve exceptionally well. Pupils develop deep knowledge in all subjects.”
Read the full inspection here .
St Marys Catholic Academy
Last inspection: November 2021
Address: Ford Green Road, Norton-le-Moors, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 8EZ
Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils love coming to this school. They feel safe and secure, and they know that staff care about them. They also know that all staff expect them to ‘respect themselves, respect others, respect other people’s property and respect God’. Pupils rise to the school’s high expectations. The school is a happy, caring and kind community.
“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They are kind and courteous. For example, bullying is very rare. Pupils have faith in the school’s adults to deal with any bullying that does happen. They know that staff will listen and support them when they are worried about anything.”
Read the full report here .
Mill Hill Primary Academy
Last inspection: December 2023
Address: Sunnyside Avenue, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 6ED
Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils are quite rightly very proud of their school and all the wonderful things that they learn and experience. They receive a high-quality education across the curriculum and benefit from an incredibly rich programme of personal development. Parents and carers are very positive about the school. One captured this, saying, ‘All staff put their heart and soul into providing the best education and care for all Pupils.’
“The school is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Everyone understands the staff’s high expectations of pupils’ learning and behaviour. Pupils, and children in the early years, excel in every aspect of their education. They embrace the school’s values of ‘work hard, dream big and never give up’.”
Read the full report here .
Co-op Academy Glebe
Last inspected: June 2024
Address: Park Place, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 3HZ
Ofsted inspectors said: “This is a small school with a big heart. Pupils enter Nursery with starting points below expectations for their age, but they leave having made exceptional progress in all areas. Pupils are highly committed to learning. They thrive on the education on offer and relish every opportunity to ‘be the best they can be’. Expectations for all pupils are ambitious and unwavering. Pupils respond impressively well to these showing excellent determination.
“The school takes every effort possible to ensure that pupils feel safe in school. It is a calm, nurturing and respectful environment. Strong and meaningful relationships mean all pupils have a safe place and a trusted adult who will listen to, and respond to, their concerns. Staff know each pupil as an individual and treat them as such. Pupils welcome this. They treat each other with the same level of respect and kindness that is shown to them.”
Read the full report here .
St Mary’s Church of England Primary School
Last inspected: May 2024
Address: Ladywell Road, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 5DE
Ofsted inspectors said: “St Mary’s Church of England Primary School aims for all pupils to ‘reach for the stars’. Pupils flourish in every respect at this exceptional school. Staff, pupils and parents are proud of their school. One parent’s comment was typical of many when they stated, ‘I’m so proud that my child attends this school as I believe that it will give him the best start for a bright future’.
“The school has an unwavering commitment to serving pupils, families and the community. Pupils consistently meet the school’s high expectations. By the end of each key stage, pupils master the knowledge and skills set out in the school’s ambitious curriculum. Pupils produce high-quality work across many different subjects. They are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.”
Read the full report here .
Churchfields Primary School
Last inspection: July 2015
Address: School Street, Chesterton, Newcastle, Staffordshire, ST5 7HY
Ofsted inspectors said: “ Senior leaders, supported by academy directors, have brought about major improvements in teaching, learning and pupils’ behaviour since the school became an academy. They have transformed the academy in a short space of time. Their leadership is outstanding. The improvements are continuing because all staff share leaders’ ambition to do the best for the pupils. Leaders’ expectations of pupils and staff are high and they are met well.
“Children make excellent progress in the early years because they are taught exceptionally well and become very enthusiastic about learning. They are prepared very well for Year 1. Outstanding teaching over time has resulted in excellent achievement for pupils in reading, writing and mathematics by the time they leave Year 6. It also ensures pupils make at least good progress in other subjects.”
Read the full report here .
Whitfield Valley Primary Academy
Last inspection: July 2024
Address: Oxford Road, Fegg Hayes, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 6TD
Ofsted inspectors said: “All pupils achieve exceptionally well at Whitfield Valley Primary Academy. The school has set high ambitions and aspirations for all pupils. Pupils rise to these high expectations. Pupils are well supported at this caring and nurturing school. As a result, all pupils flourish academically and in their whole personal development. The school’s motto of ‘we sow. we nurture. we grow’ is fully realised here.
“Pupils’ behaviour across school is exemplary. Pupils show high levels of respect to each other. Older pupils pride themselves in being positive role models to younger members of the school community. Staff model polite manners to pupils. Pupils are courteous to their teachers, visitors and each other, following the lead of adults.”
Read the full report here .
St Gregory’s Catholic Academy
Last inspection: November 2016
Address: Spring Garden Road, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 2QN
Ofsted inspectors said: “The executive headteacher provides outstanding and visionary leadership. She is extremely well supported by the head of school and assistant headteachers who share a commitment to providing high-quality care and education for pupils and families. Pupils make outstanding progress from their starting points. The large majority reach or exceed age-related standards in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of key stages 1 and 2.
“Teachers are provided with excellent support and training. This has led to considerable improvements and outstanding teaching. The youngest children get off to an excellent start in the Nursery and Reception classes as a result of outstanding teaching, strong leadership and highly effective.”
Read the full report here .
Belgrave St Bartholomew’s Academy
Last inspection: March 2017
Address: Sussex Place, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 4TP
Ofsted inspectors said: “The executive principal and the principal have high aspirations and uncompromising ambition to secure the very best outcomes for all pupils. Together, they have built on the school’s many strengths to create an environment where pupils and staff excel. Leaders at every level share a strong moral purpose. Pupils’ well-being and readiness for the future are central and inform all decisions. Every adult in the school is committed to ensuring that pupils are given every opportunity to succeed socially, emotionally, creatively and academically.
“The quality of teaching is outstanding. Teachers have strong subject knowledge, which they combine with skilled questioning to extend pupils’ thinking and deepen their understanding. A large proportion of pupils start school with English as an additional language. Many have no English at all. Leaders ensure that the environment is language rich. Consequently, pupils acquire English rapidly and make excellent progress.”
Read the full report here .
Newstead Primary Academy
Last inspection: July 2024
Address: Waterside Drive, Blurton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 3LQ
Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils are incredibly proud of their school and rightly so. They thrive at this nurturing and caring school. There are mutually respectful relationships among pupils and staff. Pupils feel safe and know that adults will help them if they have a worry or concern. Pupils behave impeccably and treat each other with unwavering kindness and respect. They are incredibly polite and welcoming. They talk with pride about their learning and the extraordinary experiences they have at this school. This includes the wide and varied educational visits available for pupils, including a range of residential opportunities and international visits. This helps develop resilience and confidence.
“Pupils also benefit from an extensive programme of after-school clubs that go beyond the expected, to enable pupils to develop their talents and interests. For example, pupils learn to horse ride, be young farmers or play golf, to name but a few activities available at these clubs. Pupils receive awards for participation, which encourages them to broaden their horizons. The quality of education the pupils receive is exceptional. Pupils are curious and keen to learn. They progress extremely well through the curriculum and achieve highly in all aspects of their learning. This means pupils are very well prepared for the next stage in their education.”
Read the full report here .
Sandon Primary Academy
Last inspection: July 2017
Address: Normacot Grange Road, Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST3 7AW
Ofsted inspectors said: “The inspirational headteacher is a key driving force behind the exceptional quality of education. Her compelling vision is shared by leaders, governors and staff. As a result, a culture of high expectations and innovation permeates the school. Other senior and middle leaders are highly effective. They focus relentlessly on improving teaching. Leaders have created an ethos in which pupils have a deep sense of pride and identity. Pupils bring alive the ‘Sandon rock’ motto of ‘Respect yourself, respect others and take responsibility for your actions.’
“The trust and the governing body are astute, knowledgeable and committed. They provide a high level of support and challenge to leaders. Pupils of all abilities make excellent and sustained progress across the school. On entry to the early years, starting points are often below typical levels. By the end of key stages 1 and 2, the proportion of pupils achieving the expected standards are above national levels. Disadvantaged pupils experience extremely strong teaching. They make exceptional progress, often better than others nationally.”
Read the full report here .
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy
Last inspection: June 2015
Address: Woodland Street, Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST8 6LW
Ofsted inspectors said: “ Since opening the academy, the Principal, head of school, directors and school committee members have been exceptionally effective in creating an environment in which anything less than outstanding is not acceptable. Rapid improvement has been secured in all areas of the academy’s work since it opened. Inspection evidence shows improvement is set to continue. Children get off to an excellent start in the Nursery and Reception classes. They make outstanding progress in all areas of learning and are prepared exceptionally well to move to Year 1.
“All pupils are making rapid progress and achieve exceptionally well. Because standards were low when the academy opened, attainment is still only as expected for pupils’ ages, but standards are rising quickly. Teaching is of a consistent high quality across the academy. Teachers set interesting and demanding tasks that inspire pupils to learn and which move learning on very quickly.”
Read the full report here .
Oxhey First School
Last inspection: September 2023
Address: Pennine Way, Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST8 7EB
Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils thrive at Oxhey First School. Staff are highly ambitious for all pupils. They want every pupil to achieve their full potential. One pupil told inspectors that Oxhey First School ‘is a great place to learn and grow up’ – inspectors agree. The school has high expectations of everyone. Staff expect pupils to try hard and achieve well. All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), live up to these expectations. Furthermore, the curriculum is well planned and is taught very well. All of this means pupils make excellent progress.
“Pupils behave exceptionally well during lessons and at playtimes. They listen with interest and support each other well in their learning. Pupils are eager to learn new things and talk with enthusiasm to visitors about their work. Pupils take part in a range of inclusive extra-curricular activities, including sewing, coding and gardening. Pupils are excited to take on jobs that require them to help others. They can be peer mediators, house captains and mini-medics. Pupils are rightly proud of their school and would recommend it to others. The vast majority of parents and carers share this view.”
Read the full report here .
Forsbrook CofE Controlled Primary School
Last inspection: October 2023
Address: Cheadle Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST11 9PW
Ofsted inspectors said: “This school goes above and beyond for all pupils. The school’s vision and values underpin everything done in school. Pupils are extremely happy to attend this school. They particularly enjoy their lessons and learning with their friends. Many pupils attend the breakfast club. This helps pupils get off to a flying start each day. Pupils feel very safe in this school. Parents and carers agree that this school works hard to keep pupils safe. Leaders have the highest expectations for pupils’ achievement. Pupils know these expectations well and live up to them fully.
“Pupils are extremely polite, well mannered and exceptionally well behaved. Classrooms are remarkably calm and well-ordered places for learning. On the playground, pupils enjoy spending time playing with their friends. There is a fantastic range of experiences beyond the classroom for pupils to take part in. These include a residential trip to London with time to visit a show in the West End. Pupils have opportunities to build and race a Goblin kit car. Many pupils opt to train as first aiders or mental health ambassadors. This helps them to support their peers if necessary. Pupils are very mindful of others with extra needs. They adapt what they are doing to include others.”
Read the full report here .
The Meadows Primary School
Last inspection: February 2024
Address: Newcastle Road, Madeley Heath, Crewe, Cheshire, CW3 9JX
Ofsted inspectors said: “The Meadows is an exceptional school where pupils flourish both in their learning and socially. Staff work together very successfully so that pupils reach their full potential. There is a rich and ambitious curriculum. It ensures that pupils develop detailed knowledge and understanding over time in all subjects. Pupils develop into articulate, confident individuals who are remarkably well prepared for the challenges of the next stage of their education. The school nurtures the talents and interests pupils have. The school ensures that very well-planned visits and clubs meets the needs of pupils.
“Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes towards their learning and each other are excellent. They work hard, they are keen to learn, and they support each other well. Pupils are very well supported to understand and control their emotions. They are encouraged to reflect and learn from their behaviour. The school’s motto of ‘learning by caring and sharing’ is lived and breathed. This is a school very much at the heart of its community. One parent’s comment was typical of many when they stated, ‘My child has absolutely flourished at The Meadows with a team of teachers who obviously share a bond more akin to a family than simply colleagues.’”
Read the full report here .
St Dominic’s Catholic Primary School
Last inspection: March 2022
Address: Margaret Street, Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 8YG
Ofsted inspectors said: “Everyone at St Dominic’s does their very best to live up to the school’s mission: ‘as children of God we love one another’. Consequently, this is a very friendly and caring school. Leaders have very high expectations for every pupil’s academic success. They place equally high importance on developing pupils’ consideration for others. Pupils enjoy coming to school. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve exceptionally well. This is because leaders provide an extremely wide range of exciting and innovative activities to meet pupils’ interests and develop their talents. Leaders have designed the curriculum so that pupils link what they learn to the world beyond school. For example, pupils loved the challenge of designing products such as ice cream sundaes and pizza toppings. They enjoyed presenting their products to local business owners. Experiences such as these prepare pupils exceptionally well for their futures.
“Pupils behave very well, work exceptionally hard and look after each other. They speak politely to each other and to adults. Pupils say bullying is very rare and inspection evidence supports this. They are confident that, should it happen, adults would deal with it promptly and effectively.”
Read the full report here .
St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School
Last inspected: February 2023
Address: Parklands Road, Tean, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST10 4DS
Ofsted inspectors said: “Pupils have high expectations of themselves at St Thomas’ Catholic Primary School. Pupils are set personal challenges. They want to be good citizens and help others. They want to do well in their learning, and enjoy coming to school. Leaders successfully establish high standards for pupils’ personal achievements. Pupils know the Catholic teachings that underpin the school. Leaders help pupils to reflect on these teachings. Pupils have weekly responsibilities to demonstrate them.
“Pupils show kindness and help others in the community as a result. They are proud of their achievements. They strive to be positive role models. Behaviour is exemplary. Staff model high expectations. Pupils are polite and courteous as a result. They open doors for others. They remind each other about the school’s behaviour rules. For example, prefects remind pupils to walk quietly to lessons.
“Pupils take pride in their school uniform. They are confident that bullying and unkind behaviour are not tolerated by staff. Pupils’ mental health is a high priority. Pupils learn about how to have good mental health. They create videos about being ‘kind to your mind’. The videos are played at local public spaces. This helps people in the local community. Leaders have set up a lunchtime well-being club. Pupils visit and speak to well trained staff.”
Read the full report here .
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