Thug with ‘warrior’ tattooed on face attacked woman with gym weight during months of abuse

A man has been jailed after he subjected a woman to months of physical and mental abuse. Benjamin Levy threatened to kill his victim multiple times, a court heard.

The 36-year-old, who has ‘warrior’ tattooed on his face, slammed his victim’s head into a door frame, threw her into a radiator and struck her with a gym weight during months of physical and mental violence.

She reported the abuse to police and Levy, of Lower Derry Street, Brierley Hill, was charged with more than 15 offences including controlling and coercive behaviour, assault, threats to kill and sending a threatening message.

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He denied the charges both in police interview and during early court hearings but later changed his plea to guilty. A judge at Wolverhampton Crown Court jailed Levy for 16 years on Thursday, January 9.

He will have to serve a further five years on licence. PC Morgan Colley, from the West Midlands Police Public Protection Unit, said: “Levy was a dangerous person who preyed on this woman, causing her to fear he would end her life due to the threats he made and violence he carried out.

“But her bravery has been exceptional and she has shown that through her courage in reporting him to us, he has now been brought before the courts and convicted. She showed such admirable resolve and strength throughout the proceedings and with her help, we have been able to ensure that this man is locked up for a long time.”

A spokesperson for the force added: “If you’ve been impacted by reading this, there is help and support available. Please take a look at our website where you can report it to us or, if you’re not ready to speak to the police, you can contact support organisations who will help you.”

Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone – find out how and where to get help.

Contact Women’s Aid though its confidential helpline on 0808 800 0028.

Advice from the NHS says that if you are at risk of domestic abuse or violence you can:

The Survivor’s Handbook from the charity Women’s Aid is free, and provides information for women on a wide range of issues, such as housing, money, helping your children, and your legal rights.

Men can also email, which can refer men to local places that can help, such as health services and voluntary organisations.

For forced marriage and “honour” crimes, contact Karma Nirvana (0800 5999 247) or The Forced Marriage Unit (020 7008 0151).

Galop provides support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people experiencing domestic violence.

Anyone who needs confidential help with their own abusive behaviour can contact Respect on their free helpline on 0808 802 4040.

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