‘There’s not enough staff, we seem to be waiting ages’ – Lancs care home put in special measures as residents don’t use call bells

A care home in Accrington has been put in special measures after inspectors raised concerns about staffing levels.

Care Quality Commission inspectors visited Moorhead Rest Home in August and published their report last month. The inspectors identified breaches of the regulations in relation to safe care and treatment, staffing, good governance, need for consent, premises and equipment and fit and proper persons employed.

The home has now been put in special measures. CQC inspectors explained: “Special measures provide a framework within which we use our enforcement powers in response to inadequate care and provide a timeframe within which providers must improve the quality of the care they provide.”

Inspectors found that “staffing levels prevented meaningful activity and stimulation from taking place”. One relative raised concerns about the lack of activities and stimulation that was provided and said: “Most of the time people are just sat around communally in the lounge, just watching TV, dozing or talking.”

Some of the most critical elements of the inspection report relate to feedback provided by residents and their families. One person said: “There is not enough staff. We seem to be waiting ages. I have a call bell, but I rarely use it. They seem short staffed.”

The inspectors noted: “There was no activity coordinator employed, and staff told us they did not always have time to provide meaningful activity for people.

“People and their relatives told us they had not always been involved in the care planning process and some people had not seen or knew about a care plan being in place. Some relatives felt they would not always be informed of healthcare referrals or appointments.”

The CQC has served a warning notice to MMR Care Limited for failing to meet the regulations relating to staffing, good governance and safe care and treatment at Moorhead Rest Home. LancsLive has contacted MMR Care for a comment.

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Image Credits and Reference: https://www.lancs.live/news/lancashire-news/theres-not-enough-staff-seem-30667522