School celebrated for its “vibrant and caring culture”

A primary school on the outskirts of Bath is “truly thrilled” after receiving their latest Ofsted report. Pupils are said to be “rightly proud” of Combe Down Church of England Primary School, which teaches 410 pupils aged between four and 11.

Inspectors were effusive in their praise: “Pupils at Combe Down Primary have extremely positive attitudes to learning and are keen to do well. This starts in the early years where children’s engagement and enthusiasm are tangible. The school has high expectations for all pupils to learn well, and they do.

“Pupils are rightly proud of the school. There is a strong sense of community. The school has a vibrant and caring culture. Staff know pupils well. There are warm relationships between pupils and staff. Pupils know that there are adults to talk to if they have a worry. This helps them to feel safe.

“Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. They show great care and consideration to their peers and adults. Pupils are respectful and polite. They recognise the importance of treating others fairly. Disruptions to learning are rare.”

The report went on to praise the school for teaching children the importance of responsibility: “Pupils enjoy the opportunity to take on leadership roles, for example as house captains, worship ambassadors and play leaders. Older pupils support younger pupils through the school’s buddy system. This helps them to learn about responsibility.”

Teachers were also found to take attendance very seriously. The report continued: “Leaders are tenacious in the actions they take to improve attendance. The school is explicit about the importance of being in school regularly and on time. It works closely with families to provide support. This has contributed to rising attendance.”

While the report was overwhelmingly positive, Ofsted did raise concerns about handwriting: “There is a clear focus on handwriting. Children in Reception quickly learn the correct pencil grip and letter formation. The curriculum sets out the expectations for handwriting. However, this is not consistently followed. Some pupils do not secure the fundamentals in handwriting.”

Responding to the report, Co-Headteachers Mrs Jo Bird and Mrs Jane Gascoigne gave a joint statement: “We are truly thrilled with this Ofsted report, which reflects our deep commitment in creating excellent opportunities for pupils. It highlights the hard work and dedication of our staff, the enthusiasm of our pupils, and the support of our families. This wonderful OFSTED report really does reflect our motto of, ‘Together we plant, nurture and grow.’”

CEO of the Palladian Academy Trust Donna Tandy said: “I am delighted for the whole school community that the report recognises the strengths of Combe Down, the strong leadership and the excellent and equitable opportunities on offer for the pupils. We are proud to celebrate this report with them and delighted that inspectors noted the positive impact being part of Palladian Academy Trust has on pupils and colleagues.

“I am delighted for the whole school community that the report recognises the strengths of Combe Down, the strong leadership and the excellent and equitable opportunities on offer for the pupils. We are proud to celebrate this report with them and delighted that inspectors noted the positive impact being part of Palladian Academy Trust has on pupils and colleagues.”

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