Police officers have revealed how they stopped two different cars for the same offence during a patrol. The offences related to the appearance of the vehicles.
Staffordshire Police officers stopped the vehicles in Cannock. The first vehicle attracted police attention because it was being driven in an ‘aggressive manner’.
Checks found that the car had window tints that were darker than the legal limit – windows should let at least 70% of light through. The second car was also stopped due to having illegal window tints also having two ‘bald’ tyres.
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Both drivers were reported. A spokesperson for Staffordshire Police said: “Officers from the @StaffsRCT were busy in Cannock area yesterday.
“The first vehicle, a BMW, caught their attention due to the aggressive manner of driving. As well as this the vehicle also had illegal number plates, and window tints letting just 30% of light though, 70% is the required minimum. Driver reported.
“Second vehicle was stopped due to it’s window tints which was again far less than the required 70% of light. As well as this it had two tyres bald to the point of cord/ply’s being exposed. Driver reported.”