The new Harlan Coben thriller series, Missing You, has finally arrived on Netflix. The show, which launched on New Year’s Day (Wednesday, January 1), is aiming to replicate the success of last year’s Coben thriller, Fool Me Once.
In this intriguing drama, we dive into the story of Katy Donovan who, shockingly, spots her former partner Josh on a dating app – 11 years after he vanished, reports the Mirror. Rosalind Eleazar leads the cast as Kat, while Top Boy’s Ashley Walters portrays Josh.
Also included in the cast is Richard Armitage, who was born and grew up in Huncote, near Blaby, who plays the mysterious and suspicious DCI Ellis Stagger. This is Richard’s fourth collaboration with Harlan Coben.
READ MORE: Leicestershire’s Netflix Missing You star Richard Armitage reveals all on suspicious character
While the cast has won much praise, some viewers believe the chemistry between Eleazar and Walters is lacking and a big issue for the show. Nick Hilton from The Independent wasn’t entirely convinced, awarding the show a modest two stars.
He said: “Of course, nobody, at this point, watches a Harlan Coben adaptation for the gripping interpersonal chemistry. This is TV for the shattered attention span. Every few minutes there’s a new twist to trigger the dopamine receptors in your brain and try to keep you from doom scrolling on Instagram for another few minutes, until the next twist.
Rosalind Eleazar and Ashley Walters’ chemistry has been questioned
(Image: Netflix)
“There’s a sort of intellectual dishonesty to basing so much of your narrative on faulty information, but viewers won’t care so long as the cliffhangers and gasp-inducing revelations keep coming. It’s not subtle, but it is effective.”
The Standard’s Hayley Spencer has described it as the ideal show to dive into after New Year’s festivities. She said: “So as long as you’re not expecting small screen mastery, or indeed the performance of year then do go forth and gobble up this latest Coben drama.
“It will fill the void on this final languid sofa day of the festive season. And give you plenty of opportunities for some second screen-time alongside watching – this is not drama that needs your undivided attention.”
However, despite those less than perfect reviews, many viewers are already hooked on the series. One said: “New Year, same me. Starting the day with a Netflix binge I think. See what Missing You has to offer.”
A second said: “Currently watching HarlanCoben’s Missing You on Netflix … so far so good.” A third added: “Started this 2025 series and it is looking good already.”
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