Vera enthusiasts have confessed to being on the verge of tears as the beloved procedural drama launched its latest season on ITV. DCI Vera Stanhope, portrayed by Brenda Blethyn, graced television screens once more in the premiere of the 14th and concluding season, where she and her loyal team delved into the enigmatic demise of a former inmate.
As the episode progressed, viewers took to social media to share their reactions to the compelling case, while some anticipated the series finale with heavy hearts. Many fans expressed their emotional state at the thought of the show’s conclusion, with one posting: “It’s so sad knowing it’s the last 2 episodes, TV won’t be the same without.”
Echoing the sentiment, another viewer lamented: “So not ready for this to be the last two episodes! ” A disheartened fan disclosed: “I’m really going to miss it,” while another added: “One of the best series ever. Sorry it’s ending.”
Another spectator commented: “So sad but appreciative for the many years of exceptionally written storylines, superb acting @BrendaBlethyn and the entire cast, and the imaginative genius of the raconteur who made this character possible.”
In disbelief, someone else remarked: “I can’t believe this is the last series. I will miss Vera a lot. Great crime drama set in this country. Great to see a woman in charge,” reports the Express.
Meanwhile, a sixth shared: “Aww I’m in the US so not sure when we’ll see it, but I know I’m going to cry.” Despite the audience’s reluctance to bid farewell, Blethyn has acknowledged that she feels it’s time for the series to draw to a close.
The actress, reflecting on her decision to step down, revealed: “It was a lovely summer back in 2023 and I came to realise I hadn’t had a summer with my husband for 14 years.”
She added: “Naturally I missed my family. And my dog Jack, although he was with me in the North East.” She further explained: “But I didn’t see him much because I was working all day. I love my Vera family, but I love my other family too.”