A registered nurse has admitted to shouting at his colleagues, being aggressive and refusing to leave when asked. Paul Robert Craw’s behaviour was found to be intimidating and unprofessional.
On one occasion he approached a colleague with clenched fists and on another shouted at colleagues ‘don’t undermine me, I am the nurse in charge’, or words to that effect.
Craw’s behaviour occurred at two different locations, in two different roles, while working as a nurse. Incidents happened at Beech Lawn in Liskeard, and Kernow House in Launceston.
Two misconduct hearings were held in July and November 2024 about his alleged misconduct. Part of the hearing was held in private but the rest was held publically.
It heard how Craw was accused of shouting at a colleague, backing them into a corner and pointing a finger at their face while at Kernow House on August 15, 2021. While Craw admitted shouting at the colleague, he denied backing them into a corner or pointing the finger. As no evidence was offered in relation to this incident, these allegations were dropped.
On December 16, he shouted at two colleagues and refused to follow instructions to leave. He also leaned towards one of those colleagues with clenched fists and admitted these allegations during a disciplinary hearing. He resigned from his role following an interview on December 24, 2021.
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During the NMC’s investigation into the case, similar concerns came to light from his subsequent employer. On September 23, 2022, at Beech Lawn, he shouted ‘don’t undermine me, I am the nurse in charge’, or words to that effect at a colleague. He also stated ‘it is my turn now’.
The panel heard that some of his behaviour amounted to unprofessional and intimidating behaviour but was not aggressive or bullying. An interim conditions of practice order was put in place on October 24, 2022, meaning he was not able to work as a sole nurse in charge and/or without supervision.
On October 29, 2022, he breached these conditions. On November 27, 2022, also at Beech Lawn, it was alleged he used offensive language and shouted at a colleague before backing them into a corner, the latter of which was deemed untrue. He also threw a strip of Paracetamol in the colleague’s direction, which he admitted.
The colleague said she did not feel this was intentional or to hurt her and was a result of his “temper”. He then resigned from Beech Lawn in November 2022.
The panel said it considered the case very carefully and decided to make a conditions of practice order for a period of 12 months. This means Craw’s name is on the NMC register and will show that he is subject to a conditions of practice order and anyone who enquires about his registration will be informed of this order. Read the full hearing notes, here.