Doctor says 'little-known' belly fat busting exercise works better than sit-ups

A doctor has revealed a simple exercise that he says can help tighten and flatten your stomach – and it’s not sit-ups. Dr Eric Berg DC, who has 13 million subscribers on his YouTube channel, explained the exercise that those wanting to shed belly fat should be doing daily for ‘amazing results’.

Dr Berg is a healthy keto and intermittent fasting expert, the director of Dr Berg Supplements, and the author of The Healthy Keto Plan and Get Healthy First. Despite many people believing that following a calorie deficit diet is the key to achieving a toned and flat belly, Dr Berg argues this is not the best approach.

He stated: “A caloric deficit is not a sustainable way to lose weight or get a flat stomach. Most people find that their metabolism slows down in their 20s and 30s after a series of calorie-restrictive diets. Lowering calories increases hunger and cravings, which will require immense willpower and can stifle weight loss. The caloric deficit model is not sustainable.”

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Insulin is the hormone that controls whether you burn or store fat. According to Dr Berg, reducing insulin allows you to tap into your body fat for energy, reports Surrey Live.

“Carbohydrates have the most significant effect on insulin, while fat is neutral and protein has a moderate impact,” the health expert said. “All calories are not the same. To lose weight, you must lower insulin, which means you must reduce your carb intake.

“If you’re on a low-carb diet, your body can use both food and body fat for fuel. This eliminates hunger and cravings between meals. Fat provides more than double the energy of glucose.”

Dr Berg advocates for a singular exercise far superior to countless crunches for shedding belly fat. He recommends the ‘dead bug’, an exercise that “stimulates the fascia and muscles that can act as a girdle, giving you a flat belly fast.”

He elaborated: “It will give the optimum tension in the middle section to stimulate the fascia and the muscles to get really nice and toned – versus, if you did sit-ups or crunches. The problem with that is you’re going to activate the deeper muscles called the psoas, which are the hip flexors and that is going to cause your back to be out of balance eventually.”

What exactly is the dead bug exercise?

The dead bug involves lying on your back with your arms and legs outstretched in front of you

It’s a move where you lie on your back, arms reaching towards the ceiling, legs bent over your hips. You simultaneously extend one arm behind your head and stretch the opposite leg towards the floor, then alternate sides. Due to its unusual name, not many people may be familiar with it.

It’s crucial to keep your back flush against the ground throughout. The quirky name comes from its resemblance to an upturned bug. Dr Berg assured: “Do this every day, and within one to two weeks, you will start to see amazing results.”

You should not change your health regimen or diet before consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider.

Why is belly fat bad?

Belly fat consists of two main types: subcutaneous fat, found just beneath the skin, and visceral fat, which is situated deeper in the abdomen and wraps around the internal organs. Visceral fat is regarded as more harmful than subcutaneous fat and is a stronger indicator of chronic metabolic diseases.

The National Institutes of Health states that a waist circumference exceeding 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men signals a higher risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

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