Coventry school where ‘community spirit’ is vital receives Ofsted praise

Ofsted has praised a primary school in Coventry that is ‘distinct in its community spirit’ and where pupils show ‘genuine care for each other’. St Laurence’s CofE Primary School in Bell Green is said to have a ‘lovely, calm and purposeful atmosphere’.

Inspectors visited the school on Tuesday, November 19 and Wednesday, November 20. The school received an overall ‘Good’ Ofsted rating and has taken ‘effective action’ to maintain the standards identified at the last inspection.

Pupils are said to enjoy their learning and talk excitedly about it, where they understand the school’s high expectations of their behaviour in lessons and at playtime. They also benefit from the many opportunities the school offers, from tech gurus, sports ambassadors, house captains, and more to help pupils take responsibility in school.

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The curriculum is said to be ‘broad and ambitious’ for all pupils, including disadvantaged students and those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum has been redesigned in some subjects to build in more cultural diversity and links with the local area, with lessons designed to be practical and engaging.

The school also fosters a love for reading and is a ‘real strength’ of the school, inspectors noticed. Books are carefully selected for the age and interests of pupils. Children in Reception learn phonics promptly, and staff ensure they have as much practice as needed. Any gaps in knowledge are identified and supported through regular keep-up and catch-up sessions for pupils who need it. The reading development continues with a focus on developing pupils’ reading fluency and comprehension.

The school also has high expectations for behaviour and attitudes, and it has a learning behaviour programme. This includes opportunities for pupils to approach their learning with curiosity, resilience, and pride. The school prioritizes pupils’ attendance, as it communicates the importance of regular attendance at every opportunity, and as a result, pupils attend school well.

Personal development and well-being underpin the school’s ethos. Pupils are well-prepared for life in modern Britain, learn about democratic processes through voting for new house captains, know how to keep themselves safe, and enjoy the enrichment experiences that the school provides. Pupils also develop their talents and interests through music, arts and sporting activities.

In addition, the school ensures that staff receive the training they need to help them meet the needs of pupils with SEND. This means they choose resources well and make adaptations to support SEND pupils. The school also works well with parents and carers to ensure pupils get the extra help and support they need.

Staff are said to be ‘proud’ to work at the school and effectively partner with school leaders to further develop and strengthen the quality of education.

To view the full Ofsted report and previous inspections at St Laurence’s CofE Primary School, visit the Ofsted website for more.

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